Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. . .

Rebecca's girls seem to enjoy bruising as much as thier mother! When Rebecca was 2 she ran into a card table we had just purchased and set up in the living room to check out. She hit just below her eye and got a huge goose egg that immediately started turning black. This is a few days later! When we'd go out shopping people would see her and gasp and tell us it was the worst balck eye they had ever seen. Then they would look us over carefully to see if we were being truthful about how it happened.

How darling is this little girl? I see a bit of Paige and Claire in this picture. Maybe this is how long Claire's hair would be without her haircut.

We had to take a picture of Ben so he wouldn't feel left out. Notice our cool wall in the background?

Rebecca has always been a busy, athletic girl. I wish I had taken more pictures of her injuries over the years. A year after this, she popped open her eyebrow on a wooden chair at my parents house, and we had to take to the ER for stitches. It took 6 adults to hold her down! Craig and Dana were there as witnesses! When she was in 1st grade she fell out of the tree in the backyard and broke her arm. Then of course there were those glory years of high school/club volleyball when she was constantly spraining her ankles and getting enormous bruises everywhere. Only the threat of casting her ankle got her to be more careful and start taping it and wearing a brace. Then there was the time in college she got such "good ones" that she took pictures of her bruises and sent them to me.

Just think of all the fun she is going to have with 3 little girls hardwired just like her! I love you Rebecca and miss you like crazy.


MarkandBec said...

HaHA... that looks AWFUL! Claire doesn't look nearly that bad.. I'm hoping to post pictures later today. Thanks for the memories :0)

nickandnae said...

That is so funny. Claire and Paige are definitely models of mommy especially this week. I love this

Tiffany Johnson said...

that IS a crazy black eye! holy smokes! cute kids though.. and LOVE the wall in the background!